Federation of Cypriot American Organizations

FCAO Philanthropic organizes successful "Casino Night" in New Jersey

March 26, 2020


New Jersey - On February 23rd, 2020, the Federation of Cypriot American Organizations (FCAO) Philanthropic in cooperation with NEPOMAK-USA and the Cypriot Associations of New Jersey, Lampousa, and Salamis organized a successful Monte Carlo Night at Graycliff Manor in Moonachie, NJ. The President of the FCAO Kyriacos Papastylianou and Board Members attended the event.

The proceeds from the event will be used for humanitarian causes by the FCAO Philanthropic. The FCAO Vice President of Philanthropic and Chairman of the event Mr. Chris Karamanos praised the work of his committee members and thanked all those who donated and participated. Mr. Karamanos said, "FCAO Philanthropic has plans to organize more philanthropic events in different states this year, and the proceeds will be used to benefit FCAO Philanthropic that helps Greek Cypriots in need."

The attendance at the event exceeded expectations with strong participation from the New Jersey chapters and Nepomak USA. 

For More Information:

For more information on how to donate to FCAO Philanthropic, please contact (516) 399-2295 or e-mail: info@fcaousa.org.

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