Federation of Cypriot American Organizations

FCAO and PSEKA organize virtual farewell event in honor of Ambassador Andreas Mavroyiannis

January 27, 2021

On January 24, 2021, the Federation of Cypriot American Organizations (FCAO) and the International Coordinating Committee Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA) hosted a virtual event to bid farewell to Ambassador Andreas Mavroyiannis, the outgoing Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the U.N.

The virtual event moderated by Mike Manatos, President of Manatos & Manatos, was attended by dignitaries and community leaders, including Ambassador Maria Theofili, Ambassador Marios Lyssiotis, Consul General of the Republic of Cyprus in New York Alexis Phedonos-Vadet, Endy Zemenides, Executive Director of HALC, Nick Larigakis, President of AHI, George Horiates, President of AHEPA, Aristos Constantine, Cyprus Trade Commissioner, Maria Pappas, President Cyprus – U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Andrew Manatos, CEO of Manatos & Manatos, Mona Abramson, AJC Diplomatic Outreach Chair to Cyprus, Philip Christopher, President of PSEKA and Kyriacos Papastylianou, President of FCAO.

The community leaders and other officials who addressed the virtual event praised Ambassador Mavroyiannis for his fulfilled tenure. 

The President of FCAO, Kyriacos Papastylianou, thanked all the participants. He continued by referencing Ambassador Mavroyiannis as a man of integrity, who we trust and are confident that he will strive towards the best outcome for the resolution of the Cyprus problem. Mr. Papastylianou wished the Ambassador every success in his future endeavors and closed his remarks by assuring him that he will continue to have the support of FCAO.

During his remarks, Ambassador Mavroyiannis thanked all the participants and shared that in light of the pandemic, President Anastasiades decided that it is best that he return to Cyprus due to the challenges associated with combining both duties as a Chief Negotiator and Permanent Representative to the U.N.

Ambassador Andreas D. Mavroyiannis has been the Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations since July 2019. At the same time, he retained his functions as the Chief Negotiator of the Greek-Cypriot community in the inter-communal talks on the Cyprus problem settlement, a position he has served since September 1, 2013.

The Ambassador will return to Cyprus after the adoption of the resolution for the renewal of the U.N. peacekeeping force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) mandate by the U.N. Security Council. He will be replaced by Ambassador Andreas Hadjichrysanthou, who served in the past in New York as the Deputy Permanent Representative.


For More Information:


Federation of Cypriot American Organizations

e-mail: info@fcaousa.org or (516) 399-2295

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